Oil on canvas, unframed (edges painted)
30" X 36"
This is the main street in my quaint home town of the historic village of Fort Langley.......Birthplace of British Columbia. I painted a smaller version of this scene a few months ago and sold it to local residents. I always wanted to paint a larger version which I have done here.........a 30" X 36" canvas. No paintings ever turn out the same and this one is quite different from my first. My local neighbhours Marsha and Don purchased this one to display in the dining room of their beautiful home in Bedford Landing, Fort Langley.
Oil on canvas, unframed (edges painted) 30" X 36" SOLD
Sold this "Water Drops" abstract painting to a couple of my favourite neighbours who are now going to display this in their beautiful new townhome's laundry home in Fort Langley......."McBride Station."
Acrylic on canvas, unframed (edges painted) 36" X 36" SOLD One of my favourite neigbhbourhood walks is the Fort to Fort Trail. A popular trail which starts across the street from my home/studio in Bedford Landing, Fort Langley on the Fraser River. This 9 km walk ends up at Derby Reach on the Fraser River meandering along the river and through open meadows such as this painting. Oil on canvas, unframed (edges painted) 24" X 18" $425 |
AuthorSusan Galick original fine art - abstracts, contemporary impressionism, sea and city scapes, modern art in oils, acrylics and mixed media. Subscribe to receive my blog in your inbox: